ABWH Lets Pretend Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics ABWH lyrics


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ABWH - Lets Pretend

Let us be together, let's pretend that we
Are free, let's all be where the angels
Find us, we all have the key
Shall we seal the truth of life
Shall we light the heavens
We're so good at finding pleasure
As to what we are, and how we fit

Let us sing the song it is
Let the sound of all belief
Let's all find that space in life
To follow in between
It's something that I feel
To pour upon my soul
Countenance of love
For one n' all
To know there's so many ways
The force of nature prevails
I lay down, I lay down and I pray

Let's get our hearts together
And as before, and like before
We'll do again

To know there's so many ways
The force of nature prevails
I lay down, I lay down and I pray

Let's get our hearts together
As before, and like before
We'll do again
Let's get our hearts together
As before, and like before
We'll do again
Let's get our hearts together
As before, and like before
We'll do again

Do again.

Date added: Jun 14, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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Music video for ABWH - Lets Pretend

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