Brettell Why Is There No One Quite Like Me? Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Brettell lyrics


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Brettell - Why Is There No One Quite Like Me?

I get the strangest feeling Im not liked.

Why is there no one quite like me?
Is it because I act as if Im fifteen?
Why is there no one quite like me?
Even when Im not all myself -
I cant avoid who I am.

I cant stand myself
Im being held up by people I hate
Still my life goes on and
Ive got my mind on one thing you know...
Yes you know
Oh where had she gone?
I get the strangest feeling Im not loved.

Why is there no one quite like me?
Is it because I look like Im just sixteen?
Why is there no one quite like me?
Even when Im being different -
Im really that unique.

Oh, what am I doing wrong?
Is it to do with this song?
Its so long.

I cant write tonight
Everybodys saying that Im not alright.
Still I try my hardest
I am seeing things that are not meant to be seen.
All my life
Oh where have I been?
I get the strangest feeling Im not know.

Why is there no one quite like me?
Is it because I act as if Im fifteen?
Why is there no one quite like me?
Even when Im not all myself -
I cant avoid who I am.

Oh, what am I doing wrong?
Is it to do with this song?
Its not so long.

Why is there no one quite like me?
Is it because I act as if Im fifteen?
Why is there no one quite like me?
Even when Im not all myself -
I cant avoid who I am.

Why is there no one quite like me?
Why is there no one who likes ... m

Date added: May 24, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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