Eightball Mr. Big Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Eightball lyrics


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Eightball - Mr. Big

8Ball: Now, I was broke as a muthafucka, my life at the end see
My so called friends, they had no ends to lend me.
My job at Mickie Ds was fuckin me with no grease
I worked so damn hard, but the money, it never increased.
I quit my fuckin job, I had no job nigga
Put on the mask, get the gloc, it's time to rob nigga.
I hit the streets, but no victim had been chosen
Damn I was nervous, but my fear wouldn't stop my strollin.
Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I was struck
I felt the burn of bullets, so I knew I had got bucked.
Reachin for my tech, the bullets hit me in my chest
My eyes closed shut, and I thought I seen death.
I woke up at the med still woozy from my jackin
T-Money walked in and he told me what had happened.
I knew him from the hood, but I did not know him well
He drove a red jag, and I knew that he was bale.
He said he was rollin when he seen me in distress
He said he killed the muthafuckin niggas with his tech.
He offered me a job said he'd front me what I needed
I said that I was with it dreamin one day I would be..
Mr. Big!

chorus: Mr. Big, Mr. Big, they call him Mr. Big
Mr. Big, Mr. Big, but not because of my size.
Mr. Big, Mr. Big, they call him Mr. Big
Mr. Big, Mr. Big, but not because of my size.
Mr. Big, Mr. Big, they call him Mr. Big
Mr. Big, Mr. Big, but not because of my size.
Mr. Big, Mr. Big, they call him Mr. Big
Mr. Big, Mr. Big, but not because of my size.

8Ball: I hit the street slaning ya-yo, then I sold up my block
Sellin 8, sellin deals, sellin $20 rocks.
Sellin dimes, sellin nickels to the junkies on my tracks
Gettin my dick sucked with the crumbs from the crack.
Some fool tried to jack me, but he only had a knife
A clip full of hollow tips took the bitchesc

Date added: Apr 23, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
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Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
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BitRate: ?? kbps
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