Kimya Dawson singing machine Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Kimya Dawson lyrics


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Kimya Dawson - singing machine

we switched to jay leno from da ali g show
to see some kids that we know do what they do on TV.
sometimes i wish i was there, but mostly i just don't care
i cry and laugh and forth and back, it's all good comedy

and there's no rhyme or reason for the changing of the seasons
sometimes the winter lasts for months sometimes it lasts for days
the world is an amazing place there's gaping holes in outer space
sunburned for the first time skin is peeling off my face

and bruno said what anders said some producer said to young lennon
"they can't all be ballads julian"
and bruno said what anders said some producer said to young lennon
"they can't all be ballads julian"

open up your eyes and see the beauty over there
open up our ears and be surprised by what you hear
'cause it's not just on the radio, it's not just on the video
it isn't all downloadable, there's music everywhere

and the fact that they divide us should be enough to unite us
we are the world so boys and girls let's all collaborate
'cause when we play together we won't notice the bad weather
like flashlight tag when it's real cold or kickball in the rain

and bruno said what anders said some producer said to young lennon
"they can't all be ballads julian"
and bruno said what anders said some producer said to young lennon
"they can't all be ballads julian"

get out there and be seen, you're lean and clean,
you're barely nineteen, you're a singing machine
get out there and be seen, you're lean and clean,
you're barely nineteen, you're a singing machine
get out there and be seen, you're lean and clean,
you're barely nineteen, you're a singing machine
get out there and be seen, you're lean and clean,
you're barely nineteen, you're a singing machine
get out there and be seen, you're lean and clean,
you're barely nineteen, you're a singing machine

it doesn't matter what you look like, doesn't matter what you sound like
doesn't matter if they like you, just remember to be kind
and tell someone you miss them, tell someone you need them
tell someone you wish you could be with them all the time

sounds silly but it's not a game, making music makes me sane
i sing away my pain and everything turns out okay
and i'm not talking fame and glory, 'cause that's a different story
this story is about how truth and love can save the day

and bruno said what anders said some producer said to young lennon
"they can't all be ballads julian"
and bruno said what anders said some producer said to young lennon
"they can't all be ballads julian"
and bruno said what anders said some producer said to young lennon
"they can't all be ballads julian"
and bruno said what anders said some producer said to young lennon
"they can't all be ballads julian"
"they can't all be ballads julian"

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: 4.57 Mb
Download time: < 3 min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: 128 kbps
Track Length 3:49 (mm:ss)
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