Manny Charlton Monkey Nutz Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Manny Charlton lyrics


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Manny Charlton - Monkey Nutz

And you don''t know nor understand
Why sink your head in the sand
Two in your bush, one in my hand

Why don''t you stick it where the monkey sticks his nutz
Why don''t you stick it where the monkey sticks his nutz
Why don''t you stick it where the monkey sticks his nutz
Why don''t you stick it where the monkey sticks his nutz

I don''t need this runaround
Why don''t you keep your hand me downs
You never give no turn me ons
All you give is scraps and bones

Why don''t you stick it where the monkey sticks his nutz
Why don''t you stick it where the monkey sticks his nutz
Why don''t you stick it where the monkey sticks his nutz
Why don''t you stick it where the monkey sticks his nutz

I don''t want your sympathy
All of your dreams lie at your feet
There''s no more, turn the other cheek
Keep all your nice boys and your freaks

Why don''t you stick it where the monkey sticks his nutz
Why don''t you stick it where the monkey sticks his nutz
Why don''t you stick it where the monkey sticks his nutz
Why don''t you stick it where the monkey sticks his nutz

Don''t come knockin'' at my door
I wont be your dog no more
I can''t get it up for you
Go run and fuck somebody new

Why don''t you stick it where the monkey sticks his nutz
Why don''t you stick it where the monkey sticks his nutz
Why don''t you stick it where the monkey sticks his nutz
Why don''t you stick it where the monkey sticks his nutz

The monkey nutz....monkey nutz
Monkey nutz........monkey nutz
The monkey nutz....monkey nutz
Monkey nutz........monkey nutz

The monkey nutz....monkey nutz
Monkey nutz........monkey nutz
The monkey nutz....monkey nutz
Monkey nutz........monkey nutz

Copyright 2000 Manny Charlton (Elgin Songs)

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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Music video for Manny Charlton - Monkey Nutz

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