Phil Keaggy Duct Tape Universe Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Phil Keaggy lyrics


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Phil Keaggy - Duct Tape Universe

I started out believing
The universe was space
That all the solid objects were founded in full grace

I started out believing
That earthworms could not crawl
That music prays, a donkey brays
Dogs have days, a horse has neighs
And everyone has a ball

But it's a duct tape ball
Ooey, gooey, stringy, chewy, mushy kind of ball
Wrapped, flapped, tapped, sapped
Constantly moving, ever oozing
Sticky, stringy, kind of springy
What could be worse? Oh what a curse
I'm a duct tape ball in a duct tape universe

I have a duct tape dog and a duct tape cat
They are tightly wrapped in the fibrous grey
They make no sound, just scratch all day
Hardly moving, always watching
Can't stop cleaning, never grooving
Always grey, duct tape grey

Such a disgrace to lose all grace
Never believing, never giving, never trusting, always lusting
Can't get unwrapped, can't shake the trap
Desperately lost with nothing to say
Stuck to my duct tape grey

But it's a duct tape ball
Ooey, gooey, stringy, chewy, mushy kind of ball
Wrapped, flapped, tapped, sapped
Constantly moving, ever oozing
Sticky, stringy, kind of springy
What could be worse? Oh what a curse
I'm a duct tape ball in a duct tape universe

Give me a sign, give me a day
Give me relief, a small belief
Unwrap my soul, just hand me a goal
Start a small tear, I'll take it from there
Please listen to me as I give you a call
From my duct tape ball

With hope and belief I'll begin to unwind
I'll start to see light, and the sun will shine
I'll shed the grey for the light of day
And all will say it's ok to pray
With a belief in God I'll get the nod
To unwrap my ball - my duct tape ball
In a duct tape universe

Give me a hand, let me hear the band
Give me a smile, please stay a while
Show me the way, I'm willing to pray
Show me the goal and release my soul

Let your light shine through the fibrous maze
Remove the wrap, remove the haze
Let me out of this stall in my duct tape ball
Set me free, lift my heart, give to me a fresh new start
In my duct tape world
In this duct tape universe

But it's a duct tape ball
Ooey, gooey, stringy, chewy, mushy kind of ball
Wrapped, flapped, tapped, sapped
Constantly moving, ever oozing
Sticky, stringy, kind of springy
What could be worse? Oh what a curse
I'm a duct tape ball in a duct tape universe

I'm a duct tape ball in a wound-up universe
I'm a duct tape ball in a wounded universe
I'm a duct tape ball in a duct tape universe

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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Music video for Phil Keaggy - Duct Tape Universe

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