Starflam Dans Les Startin Blocks Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Starflam lyrics


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Starflam - Dans Les Startin Blocks


The game will get you twisted if ya let it corrupt
Promises of A&R but they ain t living it up
Word is bond men, STARFLAM / SHYROCK,
Right on, dans les starting-blocks
And when you fell between the cliffs they ain t picking you up
Recoup ya budget, benz and bitches like they sticking you up
Word is bond men, STARFLAM / SHYROCK
Right on, pr ts forcer l poque


Unanimes face une masse rest e anonyme
Shyrock / Starflam, la fine team
Nique la frime, ce biz n est qu une vitrine
Je maque la rime, depuis lors pas un centime
Le mal prime, on prend la rue comme ses combines
Ses toxs et ses frangines, sa couronne, ses pines
Je tr ne sur un bloc de b ton
Et si a doit froisser l industrie du carton
Pas de concessions, tu connais mon quipe
Tu connais ses principes donc le doute se dissipe
On fait nos preuves dans l preuve, le pays s abreuve
Marie toi avec un wack et tu finiras veuve
Les rimes pleuvent sur chaque portion de terre
Je fume le mic comme mes adversaires


The game will get you twisted if ya let it corrupt
Promises of A&R but they ain t living it up
Word is bond men, STARFLAM / SHYROCK,
Right on, dans les starting-blocks
And when you fell between the cliffs they ain t picking you up
Recoup ya budget, benz and bitches like they sticking you up
Word is bond men, STARFLAM / SHYROCK
Right on, pr ts forcer l poque


My curriculum be killing em softly.
It s ripping em overly hard you a softy some ballsy rapper with nerves to alarm we.
You serve we hardly use words to smack back first.
From where it starts it ends with no attempt to tempt us to let of relentless.
You meant us in segments of patterns of rhymes I reckon.
Try hate what regulates some revolutionary weapons.
When years turn to months, weeks, days, hours, minutes to seconds,
ya ll checking so effectively it landed where we planned it to happen.
Restacking for mo, no superstar status struck caught of balance liable to lose talent.
When fans turn silent or violently start wilding ignore you on the tours you used to pack (silence).
We never follow hype as when it s right we swing left.
With the science of a lion when we rip it to death.
Becomes niggas who confuse us for a here gone
tomorrow tears turn to sorrow you want us were here.


The game will get you twisted if ya let it corrupt
Promises of A&R but they ain t living it up
Word is bond men, STARFLAM / SHYROCK,
Right on, dans les starting-blocks
And when you fell between the cliffs they ain t picking you up
Recoup ya budget, benz and bitches like they sticking you up
Word is bond men, STARFLAM / SHYROCK
Right on, pr ts forcer l poque


Je ne sais pas d o je viens, mais je sais o je vais
Le mic en main pour voir la foule se soulever
A.K., l insatisfait, l nerv
Squatte le biz pour mieux s en pr server
Car ce qui prime ce n est pas la carte mais la trajectoire
Ce n est pas l endroit o tu grandis mais ton histoire
Je sais que a influe ce qui se passe dans nos rues
Difficile d tre acteur d une g n ration perdue
Mais soit, on ne va pas se lamenter sur des violons
Tu parles de rap, tous chialent comme C line Dion
Mic agression, nique l industrie et ses lopettes
Le rock et son racket, le rap et son market
Je chie sur ta moquette, ton style et tes maquettes
On m appelle le 47, je tranche comme une machette
Ma t te sur ta pochette, tout se vend, tout s ach te
Fuck la jet set !


The game will get you twisted if ya let it corrupt
Promises of A&R but they ain t living it up
Word is bond men, STARFLAM / SHYROCK,
Right on, dans les starting-blocks
And when you fell between the cliffs they ain t picking you up
Recoup ya budget, benz and bitches like they sticking you up
Word is bond men, STARFLAM / SHYROCK
Right on, pr ts forcer l poque

Date added: May 14, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
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BitRate: ?? kbps
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