Take 5 Water Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Take 5 lyrics


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Take 5 - Water


[1st Verse]
Something in the spring
Is making me grow in love with you, babe
Something in the summer breeze
Is blowing me into your arms, babe
Girl you know you got me open
There's no time for anyone else
You're a priceless pearl in my posession
And you are rare
If you ever start to wonder
What you mean to me
Let me sum it up in just two syllables

You are the earth beneath my feet I'm planted, baby
You are the wind that's blowing me Into your arms
You are the fire in my heart
But most of all
You are the purest element

[2nd Verse]
Girl, umm since I drink from your fountain I, I thirst no more, babe
Girl, you are the virtuous woman
That I desire
Girl, you know you got me open
There's no time for anyone else
You're a priceless pearl in my posession
And you are rare
If you ever start to wonder
What you mean to me
Let me sum it in just two syllables

You are the earth beneath my feet I'm planted, baby
You are the wind that's blowing me Into your arms
You are the fire in my heart
But most of all
You are the purest element

I would run to the middle of a desert
At the speed of light
Just to have one drop of you, babe I would run to the middle of a desert
At the speed of light
Just to have one drop of you, babe

You are the earth beneath my feet
Yes you are
You are the wind that's blowing me
Blowing me to you
You are the fire in my heart
You're the fire in my heart
You are the purest element
Heart, babe
Girl, you're like water to me
Girl, you're like water to me
Girl, you're like water to me
Girl, you're like water to me

[ ]

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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