Waters Ethel Oh, Daddy Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Waters Ethel lyrics


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Waters Ethel - Oh, Daddy

Just like a flower, I am fading away,
The doctor calls to see me 'most every day,
But he don't do me no good;
Because I'm longing for you.
And if you care for me,
You will listen to my plea:

Oh, Daddy, look what you're doing, look what you're doing!
Oh, Daddy!
You with you fooling;
Think what you're losing,
Oh, all the little lovings that I gave for you,
It's going to make you feel awfully blue,
When you miss me and long to kiss me,
You'll regret the day that you ever quit me.
Oh, Daddy,
Think when you're all alone,
Why, you'll want me, just wait and see,
But there'll be someone else making love to me!
Then, Daddy! Daddy! You won't have no lover at all.

Oh, Daddy, look what you're doing, look what you're doing!
Oh, Daddy,
You with your fooling,
Think what you're losing,
All the little lovings that I gave for you;
It's going to make you feel awfully blue,
When you miss me and long to kiss me,
You'll regret the day that you ever quit me.
Oh, Daddy,
Think when you're all alone,
Why, you'll want me, just wait and see,
But there'll be someone else making love to me!
Then, Daddy! Daddy! You won't have no lover at all.


Just like a flower, why, I'm fading away,
The doctor calls to see me 'most every day,
But he don't do me no good.
Because I'm lonesome for you.
And if you care for me,
Then you will listen to my plea.

Oh, Daddy! Look what you're doing!
Look what you're doing!
Oh, Daddy! You with your foolin',
Think what you're losin',
All the little love I gave you,
Is going to make you feel so awfully blue,
When you miss me and long to kiss me,
You'll curse the day that you ever quit me.
Oh, Daddy, think when you're all alone;
You'll just want me, just wait and see,
But there will be someone else making love to me!
Then Daddy, Daddy, you won't have no mama at all.

Oh, Daddy! Look what you're doing!
Look what you're doing!
Oh, Daddy! You and your foolin',
Think what you're losin',
All the little love I gave you.
Is going to make me feel so awfully blue,
When you miss me and long to kiss me,
You'll curse the day that you ever quit me.
Oh, Daddy, think when you're all alone,
You know that you are getting old,
You'll miss the way I baked your jellyroll!
Then, Daddy! Daddy! You won't have no mama at al

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
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BitRate: ?? kbps
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