Billie Because We Want To Radio Edit Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Billie lyrics


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Billie - Because We Want To Radio Edit

Because We Want To!
I can do anything I want To
I can do anything I want To
I can do anything I want To
I can do anything I want To

Why you gotta play that song so loud?
Because we want to! Because we want to!
Why you always running around in crowds?
Because we want to! Because we want to!
Why do you have to dance all night?
Because we want to! Because we want to!
Why you always say what's on your mind?
Because we want to! Because we want to!

Don't try to tell me what I already know
Don't criticise me 'cause I'm running the show

Some evolution is going to happen today
I'm gonna chase the dark clouds away
Come on and help me sing it

We can do what we want to do
We can do anything
We can be who we want to be
Just tell yourself you can do it

Why you gotta play that song so loud?
Because we want to! Because we want to!
Why you always running around in crowds?
Because we want to! Because we want to!
Why do you have to dance all night?
Because we want to! Because we want to!
Why you always say what's on your mind?
Because we want to! Because we want to!

I throw a party for the world and my friends
We take life easy, the music never ends
Perfect solution to the stress and the strains

I know the sun will follow the rain
Come on and help me sing it
We can do what we want to do
We can do anything
We can be who we want to be
Just tell yourself you can do it

Why you gotta play that song so loud?
Because we want to! Because we want to!
Why you always running around in crowds?
Because we want to! Because we want to!
Why do you have to dance all night?
Because we want to! Because we want to!
Why you always say what's on your mind?
Because we want to! Because we want to!

I can do anything I want to
I can do anything I want to
I can do anything I want to
I can do anything I want to

So shake it, move it , use it , groove it
Go with the flow and take off with the show
Let me tell you its sweet and its upbeat
Me and the crew there's nothing we can't do
If you want to catch this vibe then get with us
Come on and help me sing it
We can do what we want to do
We can do anything
We can be who we want to be
Just tell yourself you can do it

Why you gotta play that song so loud?
Because we want to! Because we want to!
Why you always running around in crowds?
Because we want to! Because we want to!
Why do you have to dance all night?
Because we want to! Because we want to!
Why you always say what's on your mind?
Because we want to! Because we want to!

Why you gotta play that song so loud?
Because we want to! Because we want to!
Why you always running around in crowds?
Because we want to! Because we want to!
Why do you have to dance all night?
Because we want to! Because we want to!
Why you always say what's on your mind?
Because we want to! Because we want

Date added: May 10, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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Music video for Billie - Because We Want To Radio Edit

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