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Jude - The Not So Pretty Princess

She made funny faces so the kids would let her pass.

There was danger of dying at every turn.
???Don''t get caught crying??? was all that she learned.

And the not so pretty princess was the queen inside her room
And the world was in her closet while she dressed for her groom.

There were angels above her and furs on the floor.
Nobody loved her outside of the door.

And she''s so pretty cause she will never be...
She''s so pretty to me, to me, to me.
It doesn''t matter what everybody sees.

She''s so pretty to me.
She''s so, so pretty.
She''s so, so pretty.

The not so pretty princess met a doctor with a knife.
And he said there was a lot of ways that he could change her life.

And with the nose of a reindeer, the skin of a plum.
But now she''ll be lovely, forever look dumb.

And she''s so pretty cause she will never be...
She''s so pretty to me, to me, to me.
I try to tell her but she just won''t believe.

She''s so pretty to me.
She''s so, so pretty.
She''s so...

If she could only see angels above her and fears on the floor.
And she needs to discover she wants more and more and more.

The not so pretty princess was the clown of the class.
She made funny faces when they wouldn''t let her pass.

There was danger of dying at every turn.
???Don''t get caught crying??? was all that she learned.

And she''s so pretty cause she will never be...
She''s so pretty to me, to me, to me.
It doesn''t matter what everybody sees.

She''s so lovely when she comes to me.

And she''s so pretty cause she will never be...
She''s so pretty to me, to me, to me.
I try to tell her but she just won''t believe.

She''s so pretty to me.
She''s so lovely.
She''s so pretty to me.
She''s so lovely.

The not so pretty princess she will never be...
The not so pretty princess.

So pretty. She''s so...
The not so pretty princess, she''s so pretty to me.

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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