Loeb Lisa Alone Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Loeb Lisa lyrics


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Loeb Lisa - Alone

I want to be by myself, sometimes I do.
I don't want to be left behind, but sometimes I'm left by you.
I press my tongue to the top of my mouth,
cause my jaw, was tired from the thinking.
And I stretched my toes to the end of the couch,
'cause my back, it was aching from sleeping.
So what is this weather, and what is this darkness,
and why do I feel so alone?
And when will it snow, it's been raining for hours,
and why do I feel so alone?
And when I'm left at home, when you're with someone else I'm all alone.
You do not cheat me of my childhood.
You bring me blankets for the walls of my forts.
There is no anger with the eyebrow raised.
When you do the fantastic I am amazed.
So what is this weather, and what is this darkness,
and why do I feel so alone?
When will it snow, it's been raining for hours,
and why do I feel so alone?
You were leaving some bar, and you're coming downtown,
You're not ripping out stitches, but you want me around.
Just to call you my love, just to call you my love.
You are the treasure custodian cleaning the moon for me.
Scouring the sky so the stars would shine bright.
You stand straight-faced, and tip-toed on top of a ladder,
and I, I wait,
and I, I wait,
and I, I wait.
And when I'm left at home, I'm all alone
but I'd rather be alone with you.
So what is this weather, and what is this darkness,
and why do I feel so alone?
When will it snow, it's been raining for hours,
and why do I feel so alone?
Oh, why do I feel so alo

Date added: Apr 16, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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