Lyte Mc Act Like You Know Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Lyte Mc lyrics


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Lyte Mc - Act Like You Know

DJ cuts and scratches "This is MC Lyte.." *

[MC Lyte]
Moonroof open in the B.M.
Windows tinted they can't see in..
.. they know it's me though
MC Lyte she's bigger than bolo
Gusto gusto I got so much so
you could have some you just got to lay low
Do as I say so and don't try to fess
Do whatcha wanna just clean up the mess
I'm here ARRRRRRUFF kick it in the rear
Rhymes and rhymes and rhymes I gots to spare
Act like you know
The things that I do just ain't for show
This is my living, so I am giving
everything I got if not a lot more
For the people, for the buyers
For all of those that seem to want to try a
MC Lyte tape in your Benzi box
What can I say? Hey, thanks a lot
Cause I'll flip and trip and do ALL that good shit
That's why the brothers, they can't get off my tip
They know whose show this is
Who's show is this?

* DJ cuts and scratches "This is MC Lyte.." 2X *
Act like you know!
* DJ cuts and scratches "This is MC Lyte.." 2X *
Act like you know!

[MC Lyte]
Like I said, I'm in the B.M.
Swingin it solo, enjoyin my freedom
Turn the radio on, nuttin but weak raps
Slide the tape in, that's where it's at
Look up at the sign and I see Winthrop
Can't hear nuttin so I turn down the hip-hop
Window down, reggae hit or somethin
Now hear a little shotty go pow-pow-pow
Brooklyn 90's, that's where I'm at
Reached to the back seat, get the baseball hat
Now I'm chillin so act like you know
This is my show

* DJ cuts and scratches "This is MC Lyte.." 2X *
Act like you know!
* DJ cuts and scratches "This is MC Lyte.." 2X *
Act like you know!
* DJ cuts and scratches "This is MC Lyte.." 2X *
Act like you know!

* K-Rock goes into scratching the line
"Lyte that's right huh, she could win a rap fight" - Chuck D *

[MC Lyte]
Abra-cadabra, hocus pocus
I got somethin that'll make your eyes focus
Takin on the world, slammin it and bangin it
Keepin it hard, but still I'm changin it
Breakin all types of grounds
Here comes Wolf and Epic with the new sound
They get the job done
The name of the year is Lyte slash Ninety-One
So I'm chillin, in the B.M.
Waitin for those, that might see in
Straighten my jacket, fix my hair
turn up the system, as I prepare
to let the whole wide world know
this is my show
Now that I've schooled you and put you up on the scoop
Posse or massive, solo or group
Take it in stride, it's an inside
top secret heavy duty type of thing that I'm swingin
I got the key to success but I won't press
I'm sure that I can relieve you, of the stress
if you ad-mit, and just per-mit
me to go for mine and drop a line and ex-it
So just agree with me and simply act like you know
This is my show!

* DJ cuts and scratches "This is MC Lyte.." 2X *
Act like you know!
* DJ cuts and scratches "This is MC Lyte.." 2X *
Act like you know!
* DJ cuts and scratches "This is MC Lyte.." 2X *
Act like you know!
* DJ cuts and scratches "This is MC Lyte.." 2X *
Act like you know!
* DJ cuts and scratches "This is MC Lyte.." 2X *
Act like you know!
* fades o

Date added: Apr 13, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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Music video for Lyte Mc - Act Like You Know

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