Moore ChantÉ Precious Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Moore ChantÉ lyrics


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Moore ChantÉ - Precious

Your love\'s so precious.

Ton amour est precieux.


I\'m with you, you\'re with me, this is reality,
we\'re together like never before, and now I want you more,
Heaven must have sent you, so perfect your love.

Come to me, don\'t be afraid of this love, never let go,
in my heart, you\'re everything that I need to survive,
you keep me so alive.

Your love\'s so precious,
like a diamond in the rain that drops on the window pane,
your love\'s so precious,
nothing in the world could ever take me away.

You\'re the love of my life, I\'m gonna do you right,
\'cause you possess a heart of gold, you\'re so beautiful,
these feelings that you give me, I will keep forever.

Come to me, don\'t be afraid of this love, never let go,
in my heart, you\'re everything that I need to survive,
you keep me so alive.

Your love\'s so precious,
like a diamond in the rain that drops on the window pane,
your love\'s so precious,
nothing in the world could ever take me away.

Fait moi l\'amour.

Come to me, don\'t be afraid of this love, never let go,
in my heart, you\'re everything that I need to survive, oh baby,
you keep me so alive.

Your love\'s so precious,
like a diamond in the rain that drops on the window pane,
your love\'s so precious,
nothing in the world could ever take me away.

You have a heart of gold, you have a heart of gold,
you are so beautiful, so, so beautiful,
you are so precious to me.

You have a heart of gold,
you are so beautiful,
you are so precious to me, you are, you are,
you are so precious

Your love\'s so precious,
like a diamond in the rain that drops on the window pane,
your love\'s so precious, baby,
nothing in the world could ever take me away.

You have a heart of gold,
you are so beautiful,
you are so precious to me, oh my love.

You have a heart of gold,
you are so beautiful,
nothing in the world could ever take me away.

Je suis ----,
j\'ai besoin de toi,
pour la vie,
toi et moi.

Ton amour est precieux,
je t\'aime beaucoup,
---- ---- ----,
fait moi l\'amour,
c\'est bon,
si bon.

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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