Safka Melanie Baby Day Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics Safka Melanie lyrics


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Safka Melanie - Baby Day

Da da da da da da, da da da da da da

Why sleep when the day has been called out by the sun
From the night 'cause the light's gonna shine on everyone
Why sleep when the sleep only closes up our eyes
Why sleep when we can watch the sun a-rise

We were meant to see the beginning of the day
I believe it was planned to lift us this way
Take you an apple and take you a song
And watch a baby day be born
Take you an apple and take you a song
Watch a baby day be born

Quite quite, said I that's all very well to say
But I rose before the dawn to your singing yesterday
I couldn't see the rising 'cause the dark was in my sky
I couldn't see the sun 'cause the sun was in my eye

Take you an apple and take you a song
Watch a baby day be born
Take you an apple and take you a song
Watch a baby day be born

Why sleep, I heard and I followed it today
To the top of the hill where the wind songs play
And I sing it like I heard it
Why I heard it who knows why?
Why sleep when we can watch the sun a-rise

We were meant to see the beginning of the day
I believe it was planned to lift us this way
Take you an apple and take you a song
Watch a baby day be born
Take you an apple and take you a song
Watch a baby day be born
Take you an apple and take you a song
Watch a baby day be born
Take you an apple and take you a song
Watch a baby day be born

Take you an apple and take you a song
Take back an answer to something gone wrong
Take back some music and take me along
And watch a baby day be born
Watch a baby day be bo

Date added: Jul 28, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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