X Mia What's Ya Point(Ft.Fat Joe, Snoop Dogg) Free Mp3 Music Downloads. lyrics X Mia lyrics


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X Mia - What's Ya Point(Ft.Fat Joe, Snoop Dogg)

Fat Joe]
Yeah, uh, Terror Squad. (TS)
No Limit fam.
Uh, TS. (TS)
Yeah yeah yeah, uh.
NY to the NO.
Puttin it down like what.
Don Cartegena the leader.
Yeah, uh.

Who gives a fuck about a nigga like you (like you)
Bitch rap cats'll see right through (right through)
East, west man you know how we do (how we do it)
Down south my niggas bout it and we bound to take it all from you
I'm from the streets of NY where the wind don't die
We even try to bake the cake or pie
????, bust on by for my niggas incarcerated
Where you gotta do life or get your life confiscated
I often made it through the cold stages
Where the government supply drugs and breed thugs in all ages
Caucasians givin core cases
P's chase us like horse races
Battin down on all faces
Everyday it's like the same old shit
I ain't goin bit, my motto's like make more hits
Terror Squad and the No Limit fam for life
Don Cartegena, Mama Mia
[Mia X]
Yeah, that's right

[Mia XFat JoeSnoop]
What's your point nigga, what you tryin to say
We got the same types of thugs right around my way x4

[Snoop Dogg]
Walkin through your backyard, knockin down your trash
You move too fast and I'm a blast your ass
Will a nigga do this or will a nigga do that
Just know that my four four packed, don't pull back
So roll back, regroup, thank me 'for you come up
Please put your gun up, fool you gettin done up
I'm one up on every motherfucker in the giddame
Act like you don't know my motherfuckin niddame
And things won't never be the same again
Ain't no slippin to the quicken, we hit this game again
What's your name again, I'm the c

Date added: Mar 26, 2005
Requirements: Win XP/Vista/Win7/S2003/2008
Software: Mp3 Player
Limitations: No limitations
File size: ?? Mb
Download time: < ? min (on 1Mbps)
BitRate: ?? kbps
Track Length ?? (mm:ss)
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Music video for X Mia - What's Ya Point(Ft.Fat Joe, Snoop Dogg)

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